Bonjour !
Youpi ! C’est l’été ! J’espère que chez vous aussi le soleil brille. C’est aussi le dernier défi du mois de juin chez Less is More et nous vous proposons d’utiliser les “petits morceaux”, les “restes” d’anciennes cartes que vous avez gardé pour en faire une nouvelle carte, et n’oubliez pas de rester CAS bien sûr !
Hello !
Yippee ! It’s summer ! I hope that the sun shines wherever you are. This is also the last challenge for June at Less is More and we propose you to use the “bits” of old cards that you kept in a special box to make a new card, and don’t forget to keep CAS of course !
Notre sponsor est toujours Uniko et nous sommes aussi très heureux d’accueillir Skye de Blue sky, gagnante du mois d’Avril, qui est notre Invitée Créative pour ce défi. Merci d’aller visiter son blog et de lui laisser un gentil commentaire.
Our sponsor is still Uniko and we are also very pleased to welcome Skye from Blue Sky, winner of the month of April, who is our Guest Designer for this challenge. Thank you for visiting her blog and leave her a nice comment.
Je ne sais pas pour vous mais je n’ai pas qu’une “boîte” avec des “restes”, mais plutôt 3.
I don’t know for you, but I don’t have only one “bits box”, but rather 3.
Une avec des découpes qui ont servi d’essai mais qui finalement n’avait pas la bonne couleur ou autre, une toute petite (ronde et transparente, en haut à gauche) pour mettre les toutes petites découpes…
One with the die cuts that served as a test but finally they did not have the right color or other, a very small (round and transparent, top left) to put the small die cuts …
… et la troisième est plutôt la boîte des essais de fonds ou reste de fond que je garde parce qu’on ne sait jamais !
… and the third is rather the box of backgrounds tests or backgrounds leftovers that I keep because you never know !
J’ai donc pioché dans ces boîtes pour vous concocter les cartes d’aujourd’hui !
So I digged into these boxes to concoct my today’ cards !
1/ Happy Birthday (using sponsor “bits”)
Pour cette carte j’ai utilisé des “restes” de cette carte et d’une que je n’ai pas encore publiée. Le sentiment est aussi un “reste”.
For this card I used the “leftovers” of this card and of another one that I did not published yet. The sentiment is also a leftovers.
Il était facile de rassembler toutes les petites fleurs que j’avais et d’en faire une composition mais il se trouve en plus qu’elles ont exactement les couleurs du dernier défi chez The Color Throwdown !
It was easy to collect all the little flowers that I had and to make an arrangement but in addition, they have exactly the colors of the last challenge at The Color Throwdown !
J’ai choisi une double carte verte pour changer un peu et j’ai collé le tout dessus avec de la mousse pour certaines fleurs pour donner un peu de dimension.
I chose a green double card to change a little bit and I glued all the elements on it, using adhesive foam for some of the flowers to give dimension.
Stamps: Uniko “I Love coffer”, “Flower Power #2, #6 & #8”, “Originally organic additions”, “Background builders: vines” & “Simply said blocks ” (sentiment) – Inks : Catherine Pooler “Tiara, Party Dress, Lime grey, Grass skirt, It’s a girl”.
The Colour Throwdown #498 : Peach, Pale Pink, Hot Pink, Green
Seize the birthday: Anything goes
Always Happy Birthday June : Anything goes
2/ L’été au soleil
Pour cette carte j’ai utilisé un fond de carte que j’avais préparé en vue d’y mettre les deux joyeux amis de cette carte mais j’ai finalement changer d’avis. J’ai aussi utilisé les tongs que j’avais faites pour cette carte mais les couleurs étaient trop semblables au fond et ne ressortaient pas bien.
For this card I used a card base that I had prepared to put the two happy friends of this card but I finally changed my mind. I also used the flip flops that I made for this card but the colours were too similar with the background and did not pop up very well.
Stamps: 4enScrap “Provence – été 2018” – Inks : Catherine Pooler “rockin’ red, Limoncello, Tiki torch”, Distress “Squeezed lemonade” – Stencil: MFT “Radiating rays”.
Time OUT #112 : Warm
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge: Bright & Cheerful
Wednesday’s Creative Inspiration June : Here comes the sun !
3/ Marée haute – Marée basse – Grande Marée
Update :
Happy and honoured to be the Top Pick at CAS Watercolour June Challenge
Cette carte est ma préférée, pourtant j’ai eu beaucoup de mal à la faire ! Non pas en difficulté d’exécution mais à savoir comment j’allais utilisé au mieux l’essai de fond qui me restait pour cette carte. Les mouettes sont aussi des restes de cette carte.
This card is my favourite, and yet I had a hard time to do it ! I don’t speak about difficulties in execution but to exactly find the way I would use to its best the background test that remained from this card. The seagulls are also some leftovers from this card.
Les vagues sont aussi un reste que j’avais essayé pour cette carte, mais ça faisait de trop.
The waves are also leftovers that I’ve tried for this card, but it was to much.
J’ai juste créé une fenêtre à partir d’une matrice que j’ai utilisé pour embosser le dessus de la carte et que j’ai ensuite évidé avec un scalpel. J’ai tamponné le sentiment et j’ai collée les différents éléments ensemble avant de coller le panel sur une double carte blanche.
I only created a window from a die that I used to dry embossed the top of the card and then opened with a scalpel. I stamped the sentiment and I adhered the different elements together before foam mounting the panel on a double white card.
Stamps: 4enScrap “Bretagne – été 2018” – Inks : Catherine Pooler “All that jazz” – Dies: MFT “Wonky stitched square”, MB “big splash border”, IO “sea birds” – Brushos: Turquoise.
CAS Watercolour June : Ocean (Brushos + rubber band technique)
Just Add Ink #414 : Add window / Frame
Happy Little Stampers anything goes with dies June
Et voilà pour moi ! Ça sent bon les vacances tout ça ! Et j’ai adoré faire ces cartes. Vous trouverez aussi de magnifiques inspirations sur le blog principal ICI avec les cartes de mes coéquipières. Merci pour votre visite et tous les gentils commentaires que vous me laissez. C’est toujours un plaisir de vous lire. À très bientôt…
And Voilà for me ! It smells good holidays with all that ! And I had a lot of fun doing these cards. You will also find beautiful inspirations on the main blog HERE with my teammies’ cards. Thanks for your visit and all the lovely comments that you write. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. See you very soon…
Sorry for the late visit, Izzy! Your “bits” are very impressive -so much wonderful ingredients for making new cards! Love all the three designs you created. So much wonderful white (green!) space in your first card and the sunrays pair perfectly with the cute flip flops. All the details in your third card… Stunning! Great work from you as always!
Wow, Izzy, your bits are so organised! And fabulous bits they are as well 🙂 Loving those florals on the green base, so pretty. And who doesn’t love flip flops, they are perfectly placed on the sun ray background. Your last card is my favourite too, The contents within the frame is stunning, love it! xx
Such simple designs with fabulous results. Love how you used left over bits. Thanks for sharing with us at HLS this month.
Just simply love how you’ve put all your leftover together for your fabulous ‘ocean’ card Izzy, it’s wonderful
I really enjoyed your post today and yes I have many bits of boxes. (Love this name) I have at least 5, all categorized with different items and two that are just a catch all of anything. I hate parting with something I may be able to put to good use someday. I think I really do have a problem and I need professional help. LOL All your cards are terrific but the seagull and flip flops are fabulous! Thanks for inspiring me to use up some of my bits. and for playing at Seize the Birthday.
lovely cards…love your ocean inspired one, great sense of motion.
Thanks so much for joining us and playing along at the CAS Watercolour Challenge.
🙂 Karen
What lovely cards Isabelle! I love how you used the die cuts to create such a wonderful ocean scene filled with tones of blue. Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink this week.
WOOOOW !!! Tu as fait des merveilles avec ces restes !
Il faut vraiment être douée pour faire du neuf avec du vieux !
Et toujours dans un joli style clean.
Bravo l’artiste pour ce joli défi !
Three fabulous cards, Izzy! I love the sea and background that you created and layering the waves frame and fun seagulls over the top makes for a wonderful card, full of texture amongst the simple blue and white colour combo. Thanks for sharing with us at Just Add Ink this week.
The flipflops are beautiful and with that gorgeous sun it is a perfect warm card for our challenge! Thank you for joining us at Time Out!
I love that you showed us some of the contents of your bits box Izzy … I don’t feel too bad about mine now! Hee Hee. You’ve rocked this challenge for sure and made brilliant use of those items. Hope it’s inspired you to create some more! Gorgeous colours and techniques throughout. Thanks for all your massive support of the team and I’ll be back soon. xx
Wonderful selection of CAS cards Isabelle! Your stencil work looks wonderful & I absolutely love those little flip flops.
Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Mandy xx
Goodness, Isabelle … your left over bits boxes are full of such lovely things … and you chose beautifully which ones to use on this fabulous trio of cards! Delightful florals … a wonderful ocean scene … and just the cutest little flip flops all ready to be worn in the sun … such fun! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Time Out! Bises & hugs, Anita 🙂
Three beautiful cards, Izzy! Your ocean card is so beautiful! Love the “waves” and the seagulls but the deep rich blue of the ocean is stunning! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at CAS Watercolour!
Your have wonderful leftover bits, Izzy!! Three fantastic cards. Especially love the ocean scene with the gorgeous rubber band embossed background and the pretty wave die-cut. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!
All of your cards are so pretty. I love the CAS birthday card. So sweet. Great colors. thanks for sharing over at Always Happy Birthday.
Gorgeous Bits for your ocean scene, card..Izzy. I love looking thru your window at your ocean colors, waves, sea bird and die cut waves. Your die cut framing is so beautiful too. TFS and joining us again at CAS Watercolour. Hugs..
You have an incredible collection of bits, resulting in three incredible cards. Lovely first card using those beautiful florals against a bright base. Your second card is so cute… love the flip flops and sun rays. And your third is gorgeous and my favourite too! Can’t believe that was in your box… so awesome you did something with it. Amazing work again, Izzy! xx
What wonderful cards from your bit boxes x Love the vibrant green base card on your first card and the cluster of flowers is perfectly CAS. Your second card is such fun and sunshine on a card. Fabulous third card, so creative, love the technique and such a unique and fabulous effect….love it x.
Wow! There you go again Izzy…..making amazing cards and this time all from scraps. What a fun challenge this has been. Your Uniko florals are so sweet and they really pop against the coloured card base. I LOVE your flip flops card – it is so summery. And like you, I think the third card is my favourite too. It has such an arty look and you can almost see the sea spray with that brilliant die. Those seagull are wonderful and it is a fab background too. xx
Wow. These cards are all so wonderful. Really beautiful work. Thanks so much for playing along at Time Out.
Isn’t it incredible what beautiful cards can come from “bits”! All three of your cards are super Izzy, they have summer written all over them and I love seeing how your creativity turns them into something extra beautiful. The first card sings to my love of florals and I adore the green base – this card is so fresh! The second is just everything we love about summer, flip flops and sun, and now I want a beach to sit on. And the third is so tranquil and calm – just beautiful. Now you know I have lots of bits I save, so I am going to try and find some time to play along! Thanks for the inspiration as always, have a great weekend, Lisa xx